so just fuck democracy right?
This is just ridiculous, why does the council get off so much by banning half of the new pokemon without even consulting the player base? Fucking Espathra doesn't even get a suspect test? Has it not occurred to anyone else that there's a little thing called DARK TYPES?! You can even change your damn type to Dark if you need to. But then when anyone brings up garganacl mfers are like "nah its totally fine you just have to run a specific item on this specific pokemon". But it doesn't even get suspected.
The quick bans are getting excessive. Flutter mane and palafin and iron bundle I understand, houndstone I disagree but whatever, but stuff like annihilape and cyclizar should've been suspected at the very least.
Lastly, tournament play shouldn't be a decider in whether something is tested, let alone quick banned. Only stall loving try-hards care about tournaments over anything else.
No Rosa. I'm not a child. I am a real person that played one chess game with you, which you won. Instead of going about your life, you decided to message me, because apparently you don't get satisfaction from winning a game, you get satisfaction from trying to make people feel bad. It doesn't work. I don't understand the mentality you must have to play a short game online with someone you've never met, and then message them to try to rub it in. It's a little pathetic to be honest. I even tried to reason with you and you just keep going. I don't care about you rosa, okay? So just keep playing your chess games. Think twice next time before you message someone. Maybe ask yourself why you feel the need to do that before you do it? Maybe ask yourself if you are affecting the world in a positive or negative way?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about the missile you little bitch? I'll have you know the missile knows where it is at all times, and the missile has been involved in obtaining numerous differences, or deviations, and has over 300 confirmed corrective commands. The missile is trained in driving the missile from a position where it is, and is the top of arriving at a position where it wasn't. You are nothing to the missile but just another position. The missile will arrive at your position with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about the missile over the internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak the GEA is correcting any variation considered to be a significant factor, and it knows where it was, so you better prepare for the storm, maggot, the storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. The missile can be anywhere, anytime, and the missile can kill you in over 700 ways, and that's just by following the missile guidance computer scenario. Not only is the missile extensively trained in being sure where it isn't, within reason, but the missile also has access to the position it knows it was, and the missile will subtract where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could've known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would've held your fucking tongue, but you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price you goddamn idiot. The missile will shit the deviation, and it's variation, which is called error, all over you, and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Nie wiesz co zrobić ze swoim życiem? KUP SOBIE, KURWA, ORANGUTANA! Tak, kurwa, owłosionego orangutana, nie mówimy tu o jakiejś pierdolonej kapucynce czy innym jebanym szympansie. Nie pytaj mnie skąd masz go wziąć, bo to nie mój problem. Orangutana nazwij Clyde (to nie podlega żadnej dyskusji, wszystkie orangutany mają na imię Clyde – nie pytaj dlaczego, tak działa życie). Zacznij bujać się zorangutanem po mieście, zabieraj go dosłownie, kurwa, wszędzie: do klubów/pubów, parków, na rynek, dworzec, WSZĘDZIE! Z czasem ludzie zaczną zwracać na Ciebie uwagę, zaczepiać i pytać o małpę, nie spierdol tego! – narób sobie masę znajomych, każdy będzie chciał się pokazywać w towarzystwie kobiety z orangutanem. Za każdym razem kiedy powiesz coś śmiesznego, przybijaj z Clydem piątkę. Wśród Twoich nowych znajomych na pewno będą jacyś mężczyźni, którzy na pewno będą zwracać na Ciebie uwagę, bo ruda dziewczynka, która pokazuje się w towarzystwie orangutana jest co najmniej intrygująca. Tego też nie spierdol, ruchaj Twoich nowych znajomych na wszystkie możliwe sposoby (niekoniecznie na dwa baty z orangutanem). Kiedy już zrobi się o Tobie głośno znajdzie się ktoś, kto da Ci pracę, może nawet zaproszą Cię do telewizji. Mając pracę będziesz miała zdolność kredytową, pożycz jak najwięcej pieniędzy, małpę sprzedaj do cyrku i spierdalaj do jakiegoś ciepłego kraju, z którym Polska nie ma umowy o ekstradycję. Następnie idź na piękną plażę, spójrz w błękit oceanu i krzyknij: „Wygrałam w życie!”.
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You don't know what to do with your life? BUY A FUCKING ORANGUTAN! Yes, fucking hairy orangutan, we're not talking about some fucking capuchin or some other fucking chimpanzee. Don't ask me where to get it, because it's not my problem. Name the orangutan Clyde (this is not up for debate, all orangutans are named Clyde - don't ask why, that's how life works). Start swinging your zorangutan around town, take it literally fucking everywhere: clubs/pubs, parks, market, train station, EVERYWHERE! In time, people will start paying attention to you, accosting you and asking about the monkey, don't fuck it up! – make a lot of friends, everyone will want to show up in the company of a woman with an orangutan. Every time you say something funny, give Clyde a high five. Among your new acquaintances, there will be some men who will definitely pay attention to you, because the redhead girl who shows up in the company of an orangutan is at least intriguing. Don't fuck that up either, fuck your new friends in all possible ways (not necessarily double whipped with an orangutan). Once you get the word out there will be someone who will give you a job, maybe even invite you to TV. With a job you will have creditworthiness, borrow as much money as possible, sell the monkey to the circus and fuck off to some warm country with which Poland does not have an extradition treaty. Then go to a beautiful beach, look at the blue of the ocean and shout: "I won in life!".
Nyah! Daddy I've been such a good girl, please punish me UwU. Your dick is so biiiiig daddy, it's much larger than mine hehe~ but that's why you own me // and your feet are soooo stinky! I just want to huff them sooooo bad please daddy let me sniff your stinky feet :3 HUFF HUFF Oh god they smell so good... now my tiny dick is sooooo hard but I know I'm not allowed to touch yet heheh. Please daddy I need to cum so bad... please fuck my tight little boi pussy... I want you to push your 12 inches of thick wolf cock inside of me. OH GOD DADDY YES! PLEASE GO FASTER!! Oh my god daddy I think I'm finally ready to take your knot UwU... we'll be closer together than we've ever been before! Do it daddy!! Knot me!!! Oh god yes it feels so good!!! My dick is squirting daddy!!! hnnnng