ASCII art or Text art of popular internet memes such as Pop Cat, Pepe the Frog, Big Chungus or Among Us Red was not the impostor.
They weren’t sus
Among us crewmate running ass
Anime ass
DO NOT go down the stairs! You won’t make it
Open long ASCII art
DO NOT go down the stairs! You won’t make it 📷📷📷📷📷
╬═╬Did you listen to me? DON'T go!
╬═╬Hello? I said no! You will lose!
╬═╬Stop it! If you keep going you will fail 📷
╬═╬OK, if you want to. But your not built for it!
╬═╬I’m warning you. You won’t make it!
╬═╬ Please don't go. I’m telling you don’t!📷
╬═╬Why don't you listen to me? 📷📷📷
╬═╬Don't go! You will lose it all silly📷
╬═╬Last warning 📷 don't go!
╬═╬I said stop! 📷 It’s TOO RISKY!!
╬═╬ REALLY !!! 📷 your STILL going? You’re an idiot! 📷
╬═╬Last chance, LEAVE NOW! I’m WARNING YOU!
╬═╬ 📷📷📷📷
You made it!
THIS is how you should follow your dreams,
chase your goals, imagine & feel the future,
ignore negativity, and achieve EVERYTHING your heart desires.
You've got this
Throughout your life, you may run into obstacles.
When you do just remember these stairs and KEEP GOING!
Obstacles are more frightful when you take your eyes off your goals.
It’s NEVER TOO LATE. 📷 📷📷📷
You are so AMAZING and so WORTHY of a Beautiful life!!
If you made it comment a 📷below!
#SayILoveYouToYourself #NeverGiveUp #noQuit
Comment if you are RELENTLESS and NEVER QUIT!!