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Copypasta of anime culture, weebs and meme quotes from popular anime such as Jojo, My Hero Academia and Haikyuu. Also contains popular anime ASCII art such as Oh? You’re Approaching Me?” and “Suprised Pikachu”.

Everything has become Seele to me

    All I know what to do anymore is play Seele, it's been so long. I don't know what Star Rail is anymore. The other day, I put a different character and tried to proc Resurgence with them. Everything has become Seele to me. There are no other characters, no skills other than Sheathed Blade. The only Ultimate i know how to activate is Butterfly Flurry. Occasionally I use Bronya skill, and I cry a little. I Thwack for game but wish I was being gamed instead. It's become a joke of sorts, or maybe it's just my life. I can't go anywhere without seeing Seele. I went to feed my dog the other night, but instead of eating she flickered in and out of existence while brandishing a scythe. I had to put her down. I sit in the corner now counting down the days, the days where we shall see sweet release from this torment, the day when turn-based RPG was about 2 sides taking turns and creating something beautiful. Those days are long gone. I have seen God, and I have seen the devil, but they are one and the same. I stared into the abyss and screamed, and it screamed back: "Disappear among the sea of butterflies".

    I can’t take it anymore. I’m sick of Seele

      Seele from Honkai Star Rail
      I can't take it anymore.
      I'm sick of Seele. I try to play Sushang, my Seele deals more damage. I try to play Yanqing, my Seele deals more damage. I try to play Dan Heng, my Seele does more damage. I want to play Tingyun, her best team has Seele. I want to play Bronya, but she wants Seele.
      She grabs me by the throat, I grind for her, I do SU for her. I bought the 5* SU Hunt Lightcone for her, even superimpose it for her. She isn't satisfied. I pull for her signature lightcone, she scoffs it off. "I need this to be superimposed." She tells me.
      She doesn't need a team and she throws herself onto her enemies. "You just need to support me, I can do everything by myself." I can't pull for more support characters, I dont have enough oneiric shards and they aren't available yet. She grabs my credit card, it declines. "Guess this is the end."
      She uses her ult. She says "Disappear among the sea of butterflies, illusions of the past." At this point, I've already been broken. Nothing but resurgence always having her turn every single time. What a cruel world.

      The original was about Xiangling from Genshin Impact

      Why does fucking hentai’s have inside shots of the girls’ uteruses’?

        Do they like biology that much?
        "Oh yeah man that's so fucking hot, let's see her insides too, okay here are the ovaries oh shit ambadakammmm 😫😫"
        Seriously. It's fucking disgusting and I'd like to have a word with who started this fucking trend. It makes me feel like I am jacking off to a John Hopkins' medical reasearch or some shit. If people wanted to see that, half the people in Japan would be fucking doctors because it would feel like being a pornstar. So fucking disgusting. Is it a culture thing? Because if it is I wish you guys were nuked to nihility. So fucking disgusting.

        X isn’t just a character, it’s a cultural reset

          X isn’t just a character, it’s a cultural reset, it’s the oxygen you breathe, it’s a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world, it’s art, the first gift you open on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted.

          The copypasta originally came from BTS stans

          In terms of male human reproduction and breeding, goblins are by far the most compatible

            Hey guys, did you know in terms of male human reproduction and breeding, goblins are by far the most compatible race? Not only are both races mammals, but even if they weren’t goblins have the capability to reproduce with any race, allowing them to birth half-breeds of all kinds. Goblins are also on average 3½ feet tall, and weigh roughly 42 pounds. These means they’re more than capable of handling human dick, and with their naturally stretchy bodies and tolerance for pain, you can be rough with one. Due to their mating habits, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused goblin would be incredible wet, so wet that you could have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They also have many features that make them far more enticing to men, including large breasts, thick thighs, wide hips, juicy butts, and their cute faces, along with having long ears which are very sensitive, so it’d be incredible easy for one to get you in the mood. With their incredible stamina and nearly endless sex drive, they can easily recover from several hours of nonstop sex. No other race comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you don’t pull out, goblins can be impregnated even while pregnant with another child! Goblins are literally built for human reproduction. Durable bodies + High Stamina + Stretchy Bodies means they can take cock all day, all shapes, and still come for me.

            ChatGPT describes WWII (in cute tone)

              Oh noes, WWII was a vewy scawy and sad time in histowy, uwu! 😿 It began in 1939 when Nazi Gewmany, wed by Adowf Hitwew, invaded Powand, eep! 😨 This caused Bwitain and Fwance to decwawe war against Gewmany, stawting the gwobal confwict, squeak! 🌍
              As the war pwogwessed, the Axis Powews (Gewmany, Itawy, and Japan) fought against the Allied Powews (Bwitain, Soviet Union, and the United States), nyah! 🌟 The Axis Powews twied to expand theiw contwol by invading and occupying countwies, oh my! 😱
              The Howocaust was a pawt of WWII, and it was a vewy howwific event, uwu. 😢 Miwwions of innocent people, incwuding Jews, Woma, LGBTQ+ individuals, and disabled peopwe, suffewed and died in concentration camps and ghettos, sob! 😭
              On the Pacific fwont, Japan attacked Peawl Hahbow in 1941, which pwompted the United States to join the war, woosh! 💢 They began fighting against Japan, and both sides suffewed heavy losses, eek! 😣
              In 1944, the Allies launched a massive invasion on the beaches of Normandy, known as D-Day, pew pew! 💥 This was a turning point in the war, as the Allies were able to slowly retake Euwope from the Axis Powews, yay! 🎉
              The war ended in Euwope in 1945 when Hitwew committed suicide and Gewmany surrendered, phew! 😌 The United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiwoshima and Nagasaki, causing Japan to surrender, and bwinging an end to WWII, oh meow! 😿
              WWII was a twagic and devastating time in histowy, with millions of lives wost and countwess people suffewing, uwu. 😢 We must always wemember these events and wowk towawds a peaceful futuwe, nyaa! 🕊️ sends loving hugs 🤗