Can we please stop sending lesbian touhou porn in the sub?
Uhhhmmm, g- guys? I have a little favor to ask, and I promise it won't take much of your time. Can we please stop sending lesbian touhou porn in the sub?
You see, my mom checks my phone every now and then (she's a bit of a gap youkai parent), and she already took it away once. It was really not fun, and she even went as far as blocking my favorite YouTuber, Dream, on our home network. I really don't want that to happen again, and I'm sure you guys can understand.
O- on a lighter note, can we talk more about My Little Pony and bronies? They are so cool, and I think we can all have a great time discussing our favorite characters, episodes, and fan theories. Plus, it's a topic my mom would be totally fine with, and I know many of you love MLP too!
So, to sum it all up, please let's stop sending lesbian touhou porn, and try to focus on more kid-friendly topics like My Little Pony and bronies. I really appreciate your understanding, and I hope we can keep having fun in this awesome subreddit!!!