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Camp Lejeune

    Camp Lejeune ad
    ATTENTION, have you or a loved one lived near or served in the area of camp Lejeune between the year 1953 to 1987? If so, you might be eligible for substantial financial compensation. Contaminated water at camp Lejeune has been linked to SERIOUS health problems. Including bladder and kidney cancer. If you were exposed to this toxic water, The camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 might be able to get you substantial financial compensation. CALL TODAY.
    If you lived or worked at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987, you may have been drinking and bathing in toxic water that causes serious health issues. The good news is congress has passed the Camp Lejeune justice act, which makes billions of dollars available to victims of the contaminated water. So if this has happened to you call Real Lawyer Law Firm right now. You may be entitled to a share of that money. Call 1-800-123-4567 thats 1-800-123-4567