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Bottomless pit supervisor

    The ‘Bottomless pit supervisor’ came from an AI written 4chan story where a guy working as a bottomless pit supervisor one day discovers that the pit isn’t bottomless.

    >be me
    >bottomless pit supervisor
    >in charge of making sure the bottomless pit is, in fact, bottomless
    >occasionally have to go down there and check if the bottomless pit is still bottomless
    >one day I go down there and the bottomless pit is no longer bottomless
    >the bottom of the bottomless pit is now just a regular pit
    >ask my boss what to do
    >he says "just make it bottomless again"
    > I say "how"
    >he says "I don't know, you're the supervisor"
    >quit my job
    >become a regular pit supervisor
    >first day on the job, go to the new hole
    >its bottomless