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>Be me, badass Texas cop

    4chan on how Texas police respond to school shooting
    >There's a school shooting.
    >Put on all of my tactical gear. Rush to the scene
    >Hear gunshots from inside the school.
    Kids inside the school calling 911 for help
    >Establish a perimeter. Parents begging us to storm the school and save their children
    Tell them it is not a safe environment, police officers could get shot
    >Kids keep calling 911 for help
    >Parents get rowdy. Start screaming and trying to rush the school themselves
    >Start screaming at parents to back up
    >This one guy tries rescue his kid, so I tased him
    >Had to handcuff and taze a few parents for their own protection.
    >Good thing I got all that tactical gear.
    >Police Chief releases a statement that they are thankful that no officers sustained life threatening injuries.