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Asta responding to scam email

    After years of research, I discovered something new in the universe that no one else had observed: the universe contains a high-speed particle known as the scammer particle.
    Scammer particles rotate at high speeds around normal organisms, forming the foundation of the metafield's elemental matter. Under constant external high-energy conceptual stimulation, the scammer particles leap to the high-energy state and then return to the low-energy state after a brief period of time, accumulating credits from the outside world.
    However, there is another type of anti-particle among the stars, surrounded by a swarm of scammers. This anti-scammer particle will eventually explode and discharge its own energy, stripping the scammer particle of its positive valence form and causing it to disintegrate.
    This antiparticle was discovered by me. You're a moron for trying to scam me.