Anyone else try to show nearby black people that they’re listening to Kendrick?
Anyone else try to show nearby black people that they're listening to Kendrick Lamar?
Today i was on standing the train, listening to the new album and i noticed that there was a black guy standing behind me.
I wanted to show him that i'm not racist and am in fact all for black rights, so i opened spotify, put brightness on max and held my phone up (discretely) so he could see me jamming it to the 🐐.
On the train ride back there was a black man sitting across from me so I did one better. I chucked on To Pimp a Butterfly, held my phone flat so he could see it and gave him a small nod.
I like to believe that i'm on the right side of history. I feel like they probably respected me for that.
Anyone else do this?
Anyone else try to show nearby black people that they’re listening to Kendrick?
Yesterday I was at the airport waiting for my plane while listening to TPAB when a black man sat across from me.
I wanted to show him I am not racist and that I stand with him, but not in an obvious way. So I opened the Spotify app, turned my brightness to max, and laid it on my chair’s arm. I don’t think he noticed though.
I did this once before in my college class where a black student sat next to me. I decided to play some Kendrick through my AirPods and had my phone facing him and gave him a short nod.
I like to think I’m on the right side of history and that I will make their day.
Anyone else do this?
I got a visit from a black electrician the other day, and I was nervous because I thought he'd see me as one of those racist whites. He could see me sweating nervously and I guess he sensed that I was feeling some white guilt, but he handled it like a pro. He said, "Mind if I do some reading?" And he pulled out a copy of the Collected Works of George Lincoln Rockwell. My jaw dropped! He laughed and said, "Just letting you know, brother, we're both one of the good ones." I think we could all learn a little from him about seeing people as individuals, not just by the colour of their skin.