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Anon went deer hunting

    Alright /b/, this is the story about how I went hunting for a deer with only my fucking fists.
    The only reason I reveal this to the world is because Easter reminds me of the event and I'm high as fucking shit.
    >Be freshly 19
    >Decide I hadn't went hunting for a long time
    >Fuck it, it's easter brek
    >No college for the break
    Decide to visits grandparents at mother's suggestion
    >Waaaaay out in the sticks
    >Spent my dats just sitting around on comfy as hell furniture
    >I was going hunting dammit
    inb4 hunting out off season
    >Private property
    >I'm bigger than the law
    >Got up from fur lined couch
    >Went to the fucking gun cabinet
    >Grandparents out of the house to easter service at church
    >Grandpa had the keys to the fucking gun cabinet
    >Fuck you grandpa, I"m going hunting
    >Like a roll for lock picking in D&D I went to open it
    Natural fucking 1
    >Think I broke the lock
    >Fuck it, I'm going hunting
    >Remember the days on /k/
    >Remember I saved some handy info graphs
    9001 scrolls later
    >Find one for a snare
    >We're in business boys.
    >Farmhouse is old and dusters than grandma's pussy at thispoint
    >Crouching as I dig for some rope
    >Find rope that could hang even the biggest of Tumblr user
    >Head out for the biggest mistake of my life

    Open the rest of the story

    >Had to go back to the house because I forgot bait
    >Wtf do deer eat
    Pic related
    >Grab some shit from kitchen and garden
    >I'm in the woods deep as fuck
    >See some tracks in the dirt
    >Fuck, not deer
    >Saw more tracks
    >These were definitely for a deer
    >Feel like Arnold SquashANigger setting up traps for the Child Predator
    >Even rub  some mud on my face in sort of Rambo stye
    >Might not have been mud
    >Hard to recall
    >My work is done
    >Admire the work worthy of Artemis, Master of the Hunt
    >Go off a couple yards and lie down in the grass
    >Had some sticks around me like fucking Eeyore
    >Also slight depression
    >Waited for what seems to be about 4 fucking hours
    >Only activity was a text from grandparents
    >Asking about the busted lock on the gun cabinet
    >Lie and say I didn't know
    >Lie and say I left the house almost after them to wander ye olde" town
    >Never got found out 
    >But suffice to say 
    >Cabinet got replaced with safe
    >Hear a crinkle
    >As if a fatass opened up a Snickers
    >Looked up and saw a doe
    >Doe, a deer
    >A female deer
    >Fucking love that movie
    >Hold my fucking breath
    >Watch it steadily walk towards the bait I had brought
    >Fresh, and early Strawberries and Cap'n Crunch
    >Holy fuck
    >She's taking the bait
    >You took the bait
    >You'll wish tho, compared to what you'll read next
    >She's bent forward and sniffing the food
    >Her front hoof goes forward
    >Snaps her up quick as fuck
    >The yell she did was ear splitting
    >In an instant I was on her with more rope
    >Like a pedophile in a game of tag
    >Tackled her to the ground and got my arms around her back legs somehow while on her back
    >Holy fuck she was kicking
    >Tied it around both calfs
    >Not as easy as it sounds
    >Like holy fuck
    >Nailed me in the side of the head
    >Would've actually hurt had my body weight not been restraining her
    >But anyway
    >Tied her legs up
    >Second time was much easier
    >Backed up for a second
    >Sat in disbelief
    >Holy fuck
    >I did it
    >But then /b/
    >Then i made a horrible mistake
    >Happy as absolute fuck I put my hand on the deer's back
    >Trying to calm it down
    >When I saw it was a doe, I first thought
    Fuck. I"m not gonna get any horns.
    >Decided if it high the snare I'd see if I could take it down and see if it was possible to hunt barehanded
    >Then probably just let it go and set up shop a ways away
    >Now I was about to let it go but I noticed something
    >Her fur felt soft and amazing
    >My heart was fucking racing from the wrestle
    >I also felt very hot
    >I looked at the deer as saw it had stopped struggling for the most part
    >I didn't even think
    >lightly guided it to a skinny, but sturdy looking tree right there
    >With more rope I tied her back, right leg to it
    >Tied rope around a tree to the left and her back, left leg
    >Pulled out my knife and cut the two rope holding together her legs
    >Quickly, but softly I fastened the rope on the left
    >She was all fucking redy
    >Couldn't move
    >Legs open
    >I ripped of my clothes faster than superman can change in a phone both
    >Took a big, wet spit onto my
    >Barely contained dick
    >Like you don't even know
    >I was harder than Graphene
    >My dick was lubbed up and ready to to go
    >I swear it just went it
    >Like the sweet mix of pleasure and fear on your first water slide ride
    >The deer shivered and did a sort of moan
    >It just made me even harder
    >I get the deer twitch and grip on m y dick with every fucking thrust
    >I hit that shit like a fucking E. Honda Hyakuretsu Harite
    >I beat that shit up man
    >And the deer was loving it
    >More than once she would seize up around my dick and spasm like hell
    >Holy shit
    >Like Jacuzzi jets on all my dick
    >Before long, I had came inside with the force of a thousand suns
    (Post the file)
    >I don't know who came harder or who was panting harder
    >Me or the deer
    >Just then I discovered Satan was real
    >I had a thought that proclaimed
    She has two other holes.
    >Using another sick I found I made a makeshift bit out of the last of my rope
    Relax PETA. She was bitting it with her back teeth. It wasn't hurting her like an actual bit.
    >Threw my already hard again dick down her mouth and felt her lounge run all across it
    >Even very gentle nibbles
    >She would had bit my dick off had the rope not been there
    >Holy fuck the feeling was eternal
    >Came faster the second time just as hard
    One last hole
    >Took the condom I had in my wallet out
    Who wants deer shit on there dick?
    >Plus it was heavily lubed
    >Went in with a bit of effort
    >Like a fucking asshole
    >Came after about 30min
    >Not much cum
    >Now my balls kinda hurt
    >The deer was in a state of pleasured euphoria
    >Deiced to cut it down
    >Just played there on the ground
    >Breathing heavily
    >But very calmly
    >Cum just dripping from her pussy
    Daft Punk
    >Laid down on the ground and made love just like this
    >For and hour
    >Just making sweet love
    >Took about 4hours to just lay there and cuddle the deer
    >Afterwards we fucked again
    >And I sear on everything holy
    >Her legs held me in and she pumped with me
    >Cam harder than I ever had in  my entire life
    >She came right with me
    >Before long the sun had set
    >I dressed and looked upon my lover
    >She was just sitting there
    >Watching me as I left
    >I didn't look back
    I went out to hunt, and instead fucked and defiled a deer in every way imaginable. Gaining a love and longing for her that last to this day. Mix that with the guilt of knowing I fucked a deer and I an a shell of a man.
    Goodnight /b/.
    Arhived image of the original thread on 4chan