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AITA for beating the shit out of my dad over Morbius?

    So I (19M) was sitting in the Living room watching Morbius. My parents(senior citizens) visited to come check on me. They caught me watching Morbius and they got very upset because I have been through phases like this before. I convinced my mother (55F) that Morbius is great, but my father (56M) disagreed. So I yelled ITS MORBIN TIME and may have beat the living shit out my father. My mother(idiotic) then said YOU DID THIS LAST TIME DURING YOUR NFT PHASE so then I plunged her to the depths of Tartarus. My sister (19F) and her friend (18F) saw me and then tried to run so I yelled OH NO YOU MORB'T and morbed so much they died. I at this point, had almost become God. I had blown up my house and set on fire to get rid of the evidence. At this point I, (20M) have been running from the CIA, the FBI, the police, the Secret Service, Interpol, the UN security unit, Disney S&P, and Google Maps. I have almost reached the final phase of morb. Soon my original being will die off and I will morb in the final morb. I morbing regret morbing Morbius. Oh morb. Im gonna morbing morb myself. Morb this. Morb it all.
    TL;DR I killed my dad over a movie and ended up internationally wanted.