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A micropenis is the optimal penis

    Okay so hear me out. If you are a man blessed with a millimeter defeater you have ultimate powr. Everyone says "no mircropenis bad" and "female get no plesur." One would think these things mean you have less success as the alpha male you are but this is the complete opposite truth. With the amazing micropenis, you can imparaganate all the females your heart so desires.
    How to imparaganate: You have yor micropenis, but you wanna knoe how to use it right. Imagine this- you are at the club and see all the amazing maidens surrounding you. You just know you haev to imparaganate at least one of them. Quietly, you unzip yor pants and reveal your mini marvel. You walk around and find the most fertile female at the party. You accidentally bump her from behind. She thinks that this is just mistaek since there are so many peeple. Little does she know however that you have rammed your tiny injector all 2.346 millimeters insid her. Instantly from all the amaezing plesur that you feel you bust a massive load. But she feels nothing cause yor weenor is so smol. After this 0.00000000001 second exchange you pull out and apalogize for your silly silly mistakey bump. She dusts off and walks away. As you also step back from the scene you smile because you know that you just gave this female the fruit of your loom. She shall be the wonderful bearer of your child.
    With this amazing knowlidge, you know run around imperaganating all the females of the world while they have not a clue. Your micropenis has singlehandedly carried on your bloodline for thousands of millennia.
    The takeaway: Micropenis = stealthmode = fertilization = carry on the legacy of the great father of the new generations