I'm not really sure if this is NSFW or not but I'll tag it just incase. I've struggled for a while with talking to girls and I recently decided to start talking to this girl about the elections. I just decided that since we didn't go to school matter it didn't really matter as much about what I said, Kinda a douchebag thing to do but idk. We've known each other for a while but stopped talking so we haven't talked in a while. Anyways we talked for a few days and she decided to FaceTime me. I have some self image issues and kind of hid my face a little but we talked for a while and she called me cute and stuff like that. I got more confidence and was just making joke after joke and she seemed really into it. We started sending back some pretty sexual texts and as she said she was gonna go to bed she had one last gift for me and for me to look at the screen and there she was with her boobs out. I'm a younger teen and this is really the first time I've seen boobs that aren't in porn. Anyways once I get ungrounded we're gonna start hanging out. I know this sounds pretty virgin like but I'm super stoked and can't tell anyone I know in real life.