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I’m addicted to jerking my boyfriend off while he sleeps…

    Yeah.. title gives away the bread and butter here.. I don’t know when this started, or how it got so out of control.
    There’s been a few times my boyfriend has fallen asleep before me and I just hold his soft penis while I browse social media before I go to bed too. Idk, I just really like the way it feels, I love his dick. A few times it would get hard because I’d be squeezing it Then before I knew it it became jerking him off.. Sometimes he rolls over, sometimes he precums, sometimes i just stop and let it go soft again.
    It’s at the point that I intentionally stay awake longer than he does so I can play with his penis.
    I feel like an absolute creep show. I’ve never told him and there’s a chance I never will. He already feels like my sex drive is higher than his and that I want/talk about sex too much.
    I don’t even know how I let it get like this Staying awake until 10-11am just so I can play with my boyfriends privates is not how I envisioned I’d be spending most of my nights..
    If your partner confessed that they jerk you off when you’re asleep what would your reaction be?.. better to keep it to myself or tell him?