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Delete Your Warlock.

    First, your helmet does not match the set, the outfit is too buff to match that helmet.
    Secondly, the gauntlet does not fit the style of the set and does not shade well with the rest of the armor.
    Thirdly, the pants are boring, uninspired, but I will give u a pass on that cause all warlock pants are bad.
    Fourthly, the bond is horrible, does not stand out too much and the shading is very much off, wrong bond.
    And finally the chest piece is lackluster, lifeless, shades horribly, the red does not match the white color, and you have multiple colors and the shading is all over the place with mixed brown, red, white and black. But again warlocks don’t have many options when it comes to chest piece since majority of their chest piece looks like they borrowed from some homeless on the streets of last city.
    in end, a very boring look, seen it many times, altho can’t blame for that one due to my previous statement above, either way it’s ugly something I won’t stop to stare at it and say “nice” this is an abomination.
    Delete it.