Its from a skit “The Argument” by YaBoyRoshi where his friend was roasted for being wrong about the cast of Superman.
Yeah, Uhuh? Clown ass nigga. Look at chu. Your so fucking STUPID. Look at chu all Ronald McDonald lookin ass. Can i get a number 2 please? Motherfucker. When skin 2 drop? I need to know. Pennywise lookin ass nigga. Whats wrong you gonna cry? Bobo The Clown? Dumbass. Look at this fucking nigga! Go get cho- clown shoes while yo at it. Tie yo fuckin clown shoes while yo at it. Tie yo fucking clown shoes up! Yea you got nothing to say now huh? Look like the fuckin Goofy Movie. Whens fuckin Cirque du Soleil coming to town, i need to know. I need more tickets.