My desktop has the access panel and face panel removed. It somehow fixed a problem, so it stays that way. I've long since forgotten which cords do what, and I have a little plastic pig glued on top of the tower. Removing the pig is grounds for violence because it also somehow makes it work. I can't turn the computer off normally anymore, I have to power cycle it. It has long since stopped throwing error messages, which concerns me. It runs like a broken legged arthritic tortoise going uphill and I can't play anything newer that Attila Total War. I feel like a tech priest when it has a fit because it's like "beg it to work while tapping the case, if that fails, unplug it for 7 minutes, no more, no less, then plug it back in and wait."
My computer is more like a skinned man strapped into life support, desperately wishing for death, but always denied because his pain serves a greater purpose: porn