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You didn’t smell it did you? I hope not…

    byu/billie_tate from discussion
    You didn’t smell it did you? I hope not… when this plant senses heat source near it, ie mammals, it releases tiny spores. If inhaled they make their way into the sinus cavity, attach to the mucosa which is the way it gets into your bloodstream. Once in your bloodstream the spores begin to replicate. Basically you have now become the host, and it is now feeding off of you, taking over your body, you begin to become the plant. But before this process is complete, it will take control of your mind and have you go on a long hike so that as you begin the change from your head down, parts of you will fall off and take root along the hiking trails so that the next unsuspecting hiker comes along, says “Wow, how beautiful!”, gets down close for a good close-up shot and the whole thing starts all over again.