Based on the ‘Own a musket for home defense‘ copypasta but changed to the M2016 from Helldivers. Its part of a series of Helldivers 2 guns that has used this copypasta template.
Own a M2016 constitution rifle for home defence since that what the founding fathers intended
4 devistators break into my high value asset extraction zone. what the devil. I grab the constitution rifle.
Blow a golfball size hole in the first devistator he’s dead on the spot. I grab my pistol and aim it at the second devistator but miss cause I forgot to switch off the crisper and torch the helldiver to my left.
I have to resort to the orbital cannon at the top of low orbit loaded with airburst. “TALLY HO LADS”
The airburst shreds 2 men in the blast. The extra sound and shrapnel blow up the 2 gates at the entrances
Reload crisper and charge the last undemocratic scum.
He dies of fire after waiting for the bot drop to arrive since enhanced combustion is one hell of a buff.
Just as the founding fathers intended.