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    When dealing with people outside X Productions never take a No at face value. If we need a store to buy everything inside of and you call the local Dollar tree and the person that answers says "No, you can't film here". That literally doesn't mean shit. Talk to other employees and see if any are fans or if any have kids that are fans, try talking to their boss, their bosses boss, have me dm them on twitter and try their social team, etc. If after all avenues are exhausted you are left with a no, that doesn't mean don't try the other dollar trees because the manager of those could be huge fans and willing to bend the rules. Basically what I'm trying to convey is what we calling "pushing thru no". Don't just stop because one person told you no, stop when all conceivable options are exhausted. This is one of many tools that when combined dramatically improve your probability of success when producing here.