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Why OSRS Needs An Elite Playerbase to Look Down on The Unwashed Masses

    Started as a circlejerk post on the OSRS subreddit mocking the elite hardcore players.

    The playerbase of this game is in dire need of a small, elite upper crust to look down upon and belittle the vast majority of you pathetic plebs.
    At the end of the day, what separates the kings from the peasants is a fundamental disparity in skill, wealth, and accomplishments. We elite players represent the top 1% - a rarefied echelon that you mouth-breathing knuckle-draggers can only dream of reaching. Our superiority is undeniable, our prowess unmatched. We are OSRS's Olympians while you're all stuck wallowing in the special olympics.
    The vast majority of you are simply irredeemable losers by nature. No amount of grinding or pet hunts will ever change the fact that you're playing an online medievalclicker game in your mid-30s. Your very existence is a joke - a punchline that writes itself. The only shred of purpose your meaningless lives can ever have is to serve as whipping boys that we elite players can endlessly mock and negatively reinforce our own grandeur.
    We are OSRS's Übermensch - a superior breed of gamers forged from endless hours of grinding, scamming, and psychological torment. We've ascended beyond such trifling concepts as empathy, humility, and human decency. Such traits are crutches clung to by the weak - and weakness is a sin that we elite ruthlessly extinguish from our ranks.
    You can preach about "community" and "basic respect" all you want, but we'll be too busy sneering at your failings from our vaunted pedestals to hear you over the sound of our own self-satisfactory laughter. We are OSRS's Alphas and Omegas - demigods walking amongst peasants too blind to even comprehend our greatness.
    Stay mediocre and know your place at the bottom of the food chain, runescapers. The throne only has room for we few elite players worth of occupying it.