Pro Osu player was commenting on Cookiezi maps on his livestream which got clipped and became a meme.
This is the worst map in the history-the worst song, the worst map, the worst-like-dude like, this is just, like what the hell is this? Dude every time I like- I randomly click on
cookiezi's stream I see him playing that map it makes me like wanna blow my brains out in
fortnite, ya know, with the pump shotgun? It's so annoying. Like what is wrong with him? It must be so brain damage to play that... and then I just instantly click off his stream, that's just like,
and then I'll go and check reddit and they'll be like "oh my god he did this like crazy score", and
then I'll tune into his stream and then he'll be playing this stupid ass annoying pee dough file map. #KWANGRINDSET 💪😎