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I am a 4 star General expert tactician with decades of experience on the battlefield

    Listen buddy. I dotn need your advice. I am a 4 star General expert tactician with decades of experience on the battlefield. I've been to warzones hotter than your breakfast. I've seen things no man can ever imagine. These hands of mine have taken more lives than you'll ever make love to. Im a decorated war hero with accolades from various countries. Ive fought alongside Navy Seals, SAS, GIGN, Delta Force, Shayetet 13, Spetsnaz, Joint Task Force 2, MARCOS, and Noble 6. I've been deployed to various conflicts throughout my life. And I tell you, when I am, I exhibit an unrelenting, merciless, devastating extermination upon my enemies. So don't come at me thinking you have the upper hand. I am the alpha male, I am the final boss. You haven't yet seen my final form, this is merely the begging of what's in store, an appetizer and the main course is on this way. So don't question me, don't give me advice, I don't need it. But you know what you'll need, a nice coffin for when I'm done with you. It's gonna be a closed casket funeral because there will be nothing left of you when I'm done.