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You’re clearly missing the problem with stacking in this game

    You're clearly missing the problem with stacking in this game, so let me break it down for you. When you're grouping up with the rest of your team, you're making it significantly harder for enemy players to pick you off individually and get a team wipe. This ultimately manifests as frustration and sometimes even results in rage quitting.
    By grouping up, you've stopped them from getting a "sick ass clip" that they can post online for some sweet, sweet internet points. Most likely, during their rage, they lashed out and either damaged their controller / keyboard or hurt themselves slamming the desk.
    In summary, failure to wipe a full team solo. Loss of potential Twitter clip. Ego shattered. Rage and frustration heightened. Severe bruising to wrists and fists after smashing desk. Physical recovery: 6 weeks. Full psychological recovery: 6 months.