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I can offer you a better deal in oil trades

    Offer on oil trade copypasta
    Hey, I am interested in making a {dollar amount} trade offer for your {object name}
    I live in {location}, I've got a carry permit and {location} driver's license and am an Army Iraq war veteran.
    If you're open to trades oil is a smart play. I can offer you a better deal in oil trades than cash. I'd offer you 16 jugs, 80 qts, of new synthetic motor oil. Value is about $500. I have mostly 0w40, Mobil1 5w30, Castrol 0w20, some 5w40 Euro in stock.
    OPEC has been cutting oil output, including recently. I expect oil scarcity. Savvy people see the financial aspect of setting aside oil. As good as money if you maintain vehicles, and extremely useful. Don't be hostage to rising retail oil prices.
    Also have a $200-300 new NRA XL leather jacket with tags. I'd trade this and the rest in qts of oil.
    Not a scam. Real offer
    Sure we can work out a very nice trade deail if you're interested.
    Thanks for your time.