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Imagine, if you will, you’re a 31 year old ATF agent.

    Imagine, if you will, you’re a 31 year old ATF agent. You’ve been on the force for a while now when you get assigned to a somewhat routine mission. Some wacko has been evading his taxes as well as stocking up on illegal weaponry. You and a few of your fellow agents are advancing towards his compound through his extraordinarily long driveway when you hear it. The distinct noise of a small, propeller driven aircraft. You think *”Oh great, the bastards making a run for it”* when another noise breaks the silence among the advancing agents. You remember hearing it when you were pinned down in Afghanistan, asking for fire support towards that goddamned hill. You heard it when you rewatched combat footage from another soldiers perspective. You hoped and prayed you would never hear that noise again unless it wasnt aimed towards you. And by god, today it is. As you see your comrades getting mowed down I’m front of you, the distinctive *BRRRRRRRRRT* of a 30mm auto cannon erupts shortly after the first bullets hit their targets. The small plane then goes around for another run, miraculously leaving you in one piece, when you see something else that makes you feel even more fear than a CAS Cessna. An orange barrel, a large hazard symbol, and what looked like some sort of detonation rig. The Star Spangled Banner blares over several loudspeakers as the man youre trying to capture announces, *”TAXATION IS THEFT! DOWN WITH BIG PHARMA! ANCAPISTAN FOREVER!”*. Though it’s not what you would’ve hoped to hear, it’s the last thing you’ll ever hear.