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I want a boyfriend

    I want a boyfriend. I want a boyfriend so baaaad. Not because of the sexual stuff… well maybe a little. But the desire inside me to spoil a man— cook for him, buy him stuff and such because it made me thought of him, watch trashy movies and stuff our faces with foods, dance with him, listen to his endless talks and me constantly ask for a kiss just because I thought it’s cute, send funny memes and tiktoks
    I have so much love inside and it makes me sad knowing that no one is there for me.. that I am destined to be alone :< I’m a nice person… I know I am. It’s nice to have all this peace and calm when you’re alone but admit it or not, it’s nicer and feels better if you know you have the person you can home.
    So please universe, be nice and send me a kind and funny boyfriend 🥹🥹 Dali na kasi huhu