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Palhaço na Smartfit

    porra mano fui pra smart fit ontem pra fazer peito e triceps ta ligado
    ai la no canto tem uma area de crossfit puta area merda kkkkkkkkkkkk nem sei pq falei isso mas e dai
    enfim, tava la fazendo um fly suavao ai do nada me entra um palhaço na academia
    velho to falando de um palhaço mesmo, nao tipo o it ou tiririca que eh um meia foda de um palhaço
    eh um palhaço mesmo mano, pique os de circo manja
    suave tava no descanso do bi-set so fiquei de olho
    mano o palhaço nao vai no rack dos peso e cata 3 anilha de 25 kilo e começa a faze malabaris no bagulho
    porra jao 25 kilo cada
    a porra da academia travou pra ver aquele filho da puta brincando como se fosse com bolinha de tenis tiu
    ai um dos instrutor, o mais merda ne tinha q ser
    chego nele e falo "o jao para com essa porra ai vai machuca alguem mano"
    o palhaço olho pra ele sorrindo e ignoro
    nao e q deu merda, o ronald mcdonald do caralho solto uma anilha bem no pe e ele começa a chora q nem um bebe, no mesmo timbre
    o instrutor entro em choque
    ai o palhaço tira o sapato nr 55 dele e mostra que nao pegou, seguido de um HONK HONK com o nariz
    mano esse bagulho foi foda
    o instrutor saiu e foi procurar a gerente da academia q tava na recepçao dando o cu sei la fazendo o q
    quando eles voltaram o palhaço ja tava fazendo dropset de agachamento com 160kg, negada tava pirando vendo aquele cuzao
    na hora o palhaço viu eles e agacho com tudo
    as calça dele rasgou e começou a cair uma pa de jujuba e ele gargalhando
    mano foi o pior dia da minha vida, amei

    Open English translated

    damn bro i went to smart fit yesterday to do chest and triceps ok
    there in the corner there's a crossfit area shit area kkkkkkkkkkkk I don't even know why I said that but so what
    Anyway, I was doing a sweaty fly and then out of nowhere a clown enters my gym
    old man I'm talking about a clown, not like the it or the sedge that's a half fuck of a clown
    he's a real clown bro, cut the circus ones
    smooth was on the bi-set rest so I kept an eye
    bro, the clown doesn't go to the weight rack and picks up 3 25 kilo washers and starts juggling the stuff
    damn already 25 kilos each
    the fucking gym crashed to see that son of a bitch playing like it was a tennis ball
    there one of the instructors, the shittiest one didn't have to be
    I go up to him and say "jao stop with that shit, it's going to hurt someone bro"
    the clown looks at him smiling and ignores
    It's not like shit, the fucking ronald mcdonald drops a band right on his foot and he starts crying like a baby, in the same timbre
    the instructor is in shock
    then the clown takes off his shoe nr 55 and shows that he didn't take it, followed by a HONK HONK with his nose
    man this shit was fuck
    the instructor left and went to look for the gym manager who was at the reception giving her ass what she was doing
    When they came back the clown was already doing a squat dropset with 160kg, I was freaking out watching that asshole
    at the time the clown saw them and I crouched down with everything
    his pants ripped and a piece of jelly beans started to fall and he laughed
    bro it was the worst day of my life, i loved it