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Mark Hunt

    How bout u go an fuck off my page then u peice of shit u think I need a stupid fuckwitt like u telling me about looking good who the fuck are u take your worthless advice and get the fuck out of here
    that's funny coming from a juicy little slut like u would love u to say anything to my face fucken cheating little betch u another steroid usin bitch look at your pathetic bitch ass
    the only thing u are good at these days u lil bitch is sticking needles in yo punk ass u bitch fact is u are a weak ass short cut taker like the rest of yo bitch ass friends lil dick lesnar @werdum @wandfc and the rest of these pussies who cheat cheating ass lil pig oink oink motherfucker
    “I’m disappointed that I have been withdrawn from the fight, I have passed all medicals 2 days ago, and spent 100,000 on camp. The truth is the legal case I have filed has caused me to be withdrawn. The interview has been taken out of context and I want to reassure all my fans, I slur my words only when I have a drink. I’m fit and healthy, and would have understood if the UFC requested a medical to ensure my safety, however this is total bullshit fuck you Dana, you’ve always hated me you dog”

    His most recent pasta

    Sik of this rat company up on my feed all they do is promote steroid using rats like this loser listen up it’s the world heavyweight title of a worthless rubbish belt worth nothing u got a steroid using rodent who runs over pregnant women and hides under the octagon when usada is trying to drug test this rodent ufc =joke belt the only thing u are the world champion of is being exploited 😊 that’s why @ufc will never be credible because they have rodents like this being considered GOAT #aliact and dasseeeiiitt 😊