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The year is 2025.

    Okayu copypasta
    The year is 2025.
    The Mark V catgirl refuses to respond to the name "Okayu" and is thus another failure. I consult my notes as I consider the best method for liquidation when I hear the screech of steel giving way. She's escaped.
    My eyes switch rapidly between my screen and the area around me as I follow the tracker in her tail. The woods grow darker as sunset approaches.
    After some time, I get close enough to notice she's stationary. Alarms ring in my head as my instincts warn me. I scan the trees and see the purple line of what used to be her tail hanging off a branch in front of me.
    She pounces from the top branches of a tree behind me, my reflexes kicking in too late to save my left eye. Claws rake my ribs (why the hell did I give her those anyway?) but I manage to sink a tranquilizer in her arm and shake her off me.
    I fall half a step later. When did she get my Achilles' tendon? She approaches slowly, a mad grin on her face as she mockingly chants "Mogu mogu mogu".