Começou recentemente quando ela começou a pedir pra eu colocar música na TV enquanto a gente fazia, daí de uns dias pra cá eu comecei a reparar que ela coloca o fone bluetooth antes da gente começar, como fazemos no escuro eu nunca tinha visto até que um dia eu fui falar com ela e ela não me respondia aí eu percebi que ela tava ouvindo música, quando questionei ela, ela me disse que ajuda ela a concentrar naquilo, sem desviar a atenção, eu comecei pensar tipo (sou tão ruim assim que a pessoa fica com a mente voando?) Mas ela me disse que não tem nada haver comigo pq ela gosta de ouvir música pra fazer tudo, disse que até aumentava o tesão pq conseguia focar na penetração "realmente eu percebi que ela tá mais presente na hora H" acho estranho e legal ao mesmo tempo, imagina aí vc transar ouvindo a 5° sinfonia de Beethoven
Open English translated
My girlfriend fucks on headphones. It started recently when she started asking me to put music on the TV while we were doing it, then a few days ago I started to notice that she puts on the bluetooth headset before we start, as we do in the dark I had never seen it until a day I went to talk to her and she didn't answer me then I realized that she was listening to music, when I questioned her, she told me that it helps her to concentrate on that, without diverting her attention, I started to think like (I'm so bad that the Does anyone get the mind flying?) But she told me that it has nothing to do with me because she likes to listen to music to do everything, she said that it even increased the horny because she managed to focus on penetration "I really noticed that she is more present at the time H" I think it's weird and cool at the same time, imagine having sex listening to Beethoven's 5th symphony