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I’m 19 and I masturbated for the first time today

    You all might wonder why it took me so long to start masturbating, it is because I didn't even know what masturbation is and how it feels when I was in pre-puberty. No one talked to me about it. I think I was pretty lucky because my life would have been ruined if I started masturbation at an early age. As of now, I am studying computer science at one of the top five universities in my country. I am successful to an extent. Now getting to the point.........
    I read many confessions on how people are seeking help to stop masturbating, telling how they regret doing it, how it physically weakens them, etc. and I thought I was lucky to not get addicted to this. I was happy and all and also when my friends ask me if I ever masturbated, I would proudly say no, for which they start to suspect me that I was lying which indeed I was not. I in return asked them if they ever did that, and the response was pretty much expected.
    Everything was going well, but today, I wanted to experience masturbation and how having an orgasm feels. Right after my mom left to get groceries, I locked the main door and headed to my room, and pulled my pants down. I started playing porn (yes, I watch porn but never masturbated to it) and was about to hold my penis to jerk it. I felt that this would make more sense to do it in the bathroom so I can clean it all up after I ejaculate. I headed to the bathroom, pulled my pants down, held my penis with my left hand and my phone in my right hand, and started to jerk it. I felt a little uncomfortable while doing it, and found out I was doing it with the wrong hand. I quickly closed porn, headed to the wash basin, and washed my left hand. I again headed to my room and started jerking it with my right hand but it wasn't erect. I switched videos but it still didn't work. Lastly, I played a lesbian seduction video and I started jerking off with my right hand. I didn't feel anything yet, I thought I was doing it wrong. I then got forcibly aroused, made my penis forcibly erect, and started jerking off. It worked, I started to feel something. I think this is what an orgasm feels like. It felt so good. It then felt like I have to ejaculate and I brought my penis near to the potty pot (I don't know what it's called) and ejaculated like 3 or 4 translucent thick white drops. I wanted to jerk it off but it felt like a pleasure-pain. I stopped there and cleaned my hands, my penis tip, and my bathroom and headed out. I might want to do it later but I should also need some privacy. I might not do it for a long time because I have to return to my college as it reopens this month end.
    I would like my fellow teenagers to comment on this, every comment shall be taken constructively. I might be the oldest teenager but I don't think I have any good experience with things as most of you do. I am the kind of person who waits for the first kiss till marriage and has no plans to hook up in the meantime.