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I had a masturbation addiction that caused my dick to fell off.

    Dick fell off copypasta
    This was a few years ago, i was 21, but now I'm ready to share my story. Some time ago I just got into a breakup and I suffered emotionally, mentally and I was physically exhausted. My sex drive was at the lowest point in my life. Months passed and I haven't had any form of sexual activity until one day I had the urge to j*rk off.
    I am living solo with only just my dog so I had all the privacy I need. I was sitting in my couch and while watching a girl dancing on my phone I decided to fuck the couch. I was really horny at that time and it felt really good It was so tight yet so soft. Everytime I became horny I always try to jerk off or fck certain things such as folded clothes in my wardrobe, office chair, I also tried fucking a lotion bottle with a large opening. Basically I was fcking anything where my d*ck fits. This was my routine in the morning and after work.
    I don't know what got into me but I decided to fck my refrigerator. The door has a seal which is soft so I decided to fck that. At first it felt really good so everyday the only thing I was effing is my refrigerator. Until one day I decided to f*ck the side of the refrigerator door where it is hinged. Surprisingly my d fits perfectly. It is tight and I like how I can control the tightness of it.
    Now for the disaster, my dog decided to push the refrigerator door and my fully hard erected dck got stuck. It was the STRONGEST PAIN that you can ever imagine as a man. I can't reach the the door handle to open it but I can't move because it fcking hurt so bad. I tried to scream but I can't. I was panicking and I feel like I can die at that moment but I was scared of the idea that someone will find me dead with my dck stuck in the refrigerator door. I tried and tried to reach the handle until I grabbed the string that was attached to the handle cover. I finally unstucked my dck but I can feel it but it hurts so bad. I can't tell because I think I'm gonna pass out. I was stuck for maybe 3-4 mins but it felt like a very long time.
    After I got myself unstucked, I still managed to cm but it still hurt pretty bad. I was thinking of going to a hospital to got my dck checked but I decided not to. I was scared of being judged so I decided to keep this to my self, later that day my dick got all red and violet, it looks like it lost blood circulation, I just applied cold compress and took a lot of pain killers to relieve myself, this went on for a few days. I managed to pee but it hurts really bad. Until one morning the pain was gone, I went to the toilet to pee but when I pull my shorts my DCK FELL OFF. It really fell into the toilet bowl and made splashing noise, I still remember it like it was yesterday. It felt like a dream at first and it took me a moment to realize what just happened. I was like fck what should I do, should I pick it up or flush it. I was looking at the part and it was really gone. I managed to pick it up and drive to an emergency room, I don't want to exlain the details because idk if the happenings at the hospital was true or just my hallucination.
    The doctors decided to take off the rest of the rotten tissue surgically because obviously my dick can't be saved. I was in the hospital for a month or so.
    Months passed, my lower part started to heal without a dck, I only had a urethra so I pee like woman. Only my parents knew about this. I don't do dates anymore because I can't have sex, I can't masturbate either. I have no dck.