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Two Minute Papers

    Dear fellow 😂💦 scholars, 🤓🤓 this 🎊 is 💯👎 Two 💏✌ Minute ⏰⏰ Papers 📝 with Dr 👩 Karoly Zsolnai-Feher. Today 😱 we're 🔫 looking at some 🐔👆 fascinating 😍😍 research that proves that you will never get any 😱 bitches. 🍑 Research scientists at 🍆 OpenAI have discovered 😎 a 😎🏃 new 🏽🗞 machine 🔥 learning technique that 🕵😤 can ♂💦 predict how 💪💪 many 💪 women ❎ are attracted to 💱 you (hint: 🔎 its 🙅 0). What a 👇👌 time ⏳🕧 to be 🐝😱 alive!