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Is it morally correct to bully a nazi?

    Is it morally correct to bully a nazi
    There’s a kid in my school (I’ll call him Eric) who’s a nazi. He’s gotten in trouble multiple times for drawing swastika on ether himself or on school property. He has been seen multiple times doing the Sieg Heil salute when the teacher Isn’t looking. Some of my “friends” have started to bully Eric. I want to make it 100,000% clear when I say that I do not support what Eric is doing. I think he’s stupid and immature for even thinking that’s ok to do. But is bullying him going too far?
    Massive Update: it turns out that Eric is on the autism spectrum. He is HEAVILY influenced by his friend that acts a similar way. As far as I know the other friend is not on the spectrum and is just an asshole