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18th century L + ratio

    Fie! Thou art impudent! + Thy manners be not sought + Cease thy lamentations! + Remain displeased + Attend to matters of import + Thou art a poltroon + Mald seethe and strive harder + Hoydens are displeased + Thou art unsophisticated + Thy abilities leave much to be desired + Thy measurements are erroneous + Thou hast stumbled + Thy audacity! + Thou art irked + Any inquiries + Thou art behind contemporary thinking + Acquire a meaningful existence + Oll Korect then? + Thou art nonsensical + Connect with the earth + Thou art stubborn + Not rooted in reality + Thou art likely a weak-hearted individual + Not entertaining, I did not chuckle + Thou art + Thy language usage is faulty + Embark on a journey outdoors + Enhance thy abilities + Report this audacity + An attack floating machine + Improve thy + Thy parent + Obscure + Unpredictable + Prejudiced + Racially charged + Depart from my presence + Thou art not entertaining + Thy measurements fall short.

    Original L + ratio copypasta