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☣You πŸ¦‡ have πŸ¦‡ been πŸ¦‡ blessed πŸ¦‡ by πŸ¦‡ theπŸ¦‡ COVID-19

    ☣You πŸ¦‡ have πŸ¦‡ been πŸ¦‡ blessed πŸ¦‡ by πŸ¦‡ theπŸ¦‡ COVID-19 πŸ¦‡ emoji πŸ¦‡ Prepare πŸ¦‡ for πŸ¦‡ a πŸ¦‡thousand πŸ¦‡ years πŸ¦‡ of πŸ¦‡ sneezing πŸ¦‡ and πŸ¦‡ coughing πŸ¦‡ and πŸ¦‡ an πŸ¦‡ infinite πŸ¦‡ absence πŸ¦‡ of πŸ¦‡ toilet πŸ¦‡ paper🧻🚫☣