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Oh my god, Wendigoon has fell off completely.

    Oh my god, Wendigoon has fell off completely. I do not care about shitty Anal-ogue Horror. It peaked with Local58 and nothing has reached that greatness since. Local58 didn’t overstay it’s welcome, didn’t use many cliches and it ended when it needed to end. Getting angry over something being “disturbing” is stupid. Horror is ment to be horrifying, not jumpscares every 2 seconds along with a boring 8 minute long lecture on why you should be scared. I do not know this UrbanSpook person, I never heard of him until this video and looking at his videos they’re alright. Greylock is just boring, generic crap that’s killing off the analogue horror genre. This is as bad as that boring ass Skinamarinkydink shit you recommended (Boy walking around house on bkue filter isn’t scary, it’s boring rubbish.) If I have to be told why something is scary, it’s not scary. Simple as.