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Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson leaves Fox

    DADDY TUCKER IS FINALLY 🙌 GONE 🏃🏃 !!!! After years of using his 🙋 position 🏿🏿 as a 💰👌 PUSSY 🙅 PIMP to make 🖕 all 🕔 the 🖖🖼 bitches 🙋🍑 in the 💚 news do whatever he wants, 💋😩 Daddy 🤖🙈 Tucker finally 👌😲 decided 🤔👯 it’s 😩👂 time to 👐 move 🏃☝ on. 👌🏻 He 👉❓ is 🤔 now 😞 moving to 🔧 New York where 🤔 he will continue 🔁🔁 bringing you 😘 the 👏😨 news 💼 with 👏👏 his ✋ new show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight: The New York Edition” 👌👌 on 🔛 FOX 🐺 NEWS 🗣🎥 SIX From now 😢😤 on, 💔 Tucker is 🤔🔥 officially 🏻 off 😡 the 🏞 leash and is doing 😛 whatever he wants in ♂ your 💼⛵ never ending quest 🗺 to 💦🔭 find out 🌐🏍 what daddy thinks about everything 🏻 . Send 📱📧 this to 10 NEWSPUBESCENDENTS so 🔥💯 that you are always 🤔 aware 👌 of what Daddy thinks 👏