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Student debt

Student Debt Forgiveness

    guess 👉👈 what 🤷 you 👉🏼 college 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓lackies! Big 🍆 daddy 😥😥 Boe Jiden 👴has 💤 yeeted the big, 😱 black, ⬛ juicy, 💦 long 😳 student 📖📝 debt out 🐕 of your 👉😩 tight 😻 and tiny 👌 bank 💴 account! 💳 You 😀 can 🔫 now 👇 live 🐙 not 🚫 so happily 😊 ever after 😡 still 😏 with that 👉 arts degree 📜 you 😕👉 worked 🏢 and stressed 😧 a quarter 🕒 of your 👉👌 life away 💨 for 😤 💀🪦and worry 🚫 about 💦 the other 🤷‍♂️ problems 😊 like 💦👍 the housing market 💹 doing 📌💉 some ⛄👨 crazy 🤪 inflation 🎈 bdsm roleplay 🐱👻⛓ and the economy getting 🤝 pumped ⛽🆙 up 🦃 like 💖 she's 👭 in 💘😜 her 🚺👩 1930's again! ✨💃✨