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mom fortnite

Fortnite mom

    Fornite mom
    My 14 year old will not stop playing Fortnite at any given chance. He doesn't want to go to bed, he doesn't want to do his homework, etc.
    I picked him up from school the other day and decided to have fun with it. I pulled up in the van, got out, and stood by the passenger door as the school was letting out. The second I saw him come out the door, I yell "HEY JACOB!!" which gets the attention of like 300 kids filing out of the school. I immediately started doing that Fortnite "floss" dance (which I have seen him do), swung it 5 or 6 times, then finished with an epic dab. The crowd responded with a WHOOOOOOAAAAAA and tons of laughter. I then bowed and opened the passenger door like a chauffeur.
    When he got in, I said "Man, I tried that Fortnite thing you play and I can see why you like it so much!"
    He seems to have played a lot less lately.