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im sick of being called a simp copypasta

I’m sick of being called a simp

    I'm sick of being called a simp.
    Just because I compliment a girl on her looks, personality, or interests, does not make me a simp. Maybe I'm genuinely trying to make her feel good or to lighten up her day after a long day. I don't want everyone calling me something that is inherently "bad" just for being nice to a girl. Especially, giving a girl a gift for, say, her birthday, is not the same as mentioned below. Birthday gifts are normal and are just a respectful and kind gesture. The irony is that when boys DON'T do that, they are ALSO shamed.
    A real simp is someone who obsesses over a particular person with money, gifts, etc, expecting to receive a sexual or romantic return.
    The majority of so-called "simps" do NOT do this.
    So please, stop throwing the word simp around like its a baseball.