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I got publically beaten up by a 12 year old kid when I was 18.

    I was in year 12 (senior year) at high school and I have a younger brother who was in year 7 so 13 years old at the time. There was this kid who was around the same age (12) that was bullying my brother daily. I saw what was going on and it made me so damn angry but I couldn't do anything because he was 12, this went on for a few months and at the time I tried to give my bro advice on how to handle the situation. Anyway one day I'm with my only female friend Alice and we can both see my brother in the playground being bullied by this kid. Alice tells me I should really do something to cool the situation, I agreed. So I go over and plan on just having a word with this kid, u know telling him to back off or else type of thing. I walk up to him and before I could get a word out he kicked me straight in my balls really hard, like so hard I screamed. I fell to the ground and he then jumped on me and started punching my head while I'm reeling in pain. I couldn't get him off, I had very little strength and he was pretty fat for a 12 year old. The teachers eventually got him off me and by this time I was severely beaten and humiliated. I could barely walk and my balls required an ice pack, I swear I could hear the female teachers laughing in the next room when I was sitting in the nurses office.

    The Girl you just called fat?


      The Girl you just called fat? She has been starving herself & has lost over 30lbs. The Boy you called stupid, he has a learning disability & studies over 4hrs a night. The Girl you called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her. The Boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. There's a lot more to people then you think. Put this as your status if you're against bullying.

      Other meme variation

      The Girl you just called fat? She shit herself & lost 15kgs. The Boy you just called stupid? He shit himself. The Girl you just called ugly? She spends hours shitting and farting. The Boy you just tripped? He shit his pants. There`s more to people than you think. Like this if your against bullying.
      That Snorlax you just called fat? Yeah, it's eating rare candies by the DOZEN for you to accept it. That Gastly you just called ugly? It's been trying to learn a new move to replace its Mean Look. That Slowpoke you just tripped? He has a learning disability that makes him Legally Retarded. See that Hitmonchan with the scars? He fought in Vietnam for your freedoms today. Put This As Your Status If You're Against PokeBullying. Help Save A Pokemon A Visit To The Pokecenter.
      The hobbit you just called fat? He's skipping 2nd breakfast. The dwarf woman you called ugly? She spends hours braiding her beard so you can differentiate her from a dwarf man. The Uruk-Hai you just killed? He's been abused by Saruman. See that Gollum creature with the gangly limbs & large eyes? For 500 years the Ring poisoned his mind. That Elf you just made fun of for crying? She just lost her wizard friend to a Balrog. Repost this if you're against bullying in Middle-Earth